Monday 6 June 2011

Mind Of Grime

So this blog thing has kinda picked up a little quicker than I expected.  I'm loving the fact I get to write again and share my love for music.  Anyways, I saw an ad on a blog I frequent regularly, Mind Of Grime, asking for experienced writers to come on board with them for when they launch their official website come the end of the summer.  I thought I'd offer my services, not really expecting anything from them but after looking at my half-arsed attempt at a blog, they want me to get involved!  The site's building a strong reputation, gets around 20,000 views a month and features new releases, reviews and interviews with grime scene artists.  The fact that it's evolving from a blog to a proper website a year and a half after its birth shows it's making moves.  Add to that the fact that they want me on board - it's a good look! So yeah, apologies if my focus shifts from Beats & Pieces a little bit but you'll be able to catch me at Mind Of Grime!  Make sure you start to hit up and spread the word!!

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