Tuesday 3 April 2012

Wordplay Magazine

Easy peeps! Just a little heads up about the latest venture! I've hooked up with Wordplay magazine and started reviewing for them.  It's a free mag that's dedicated to Graffiti and UK Hip Hop and has been making moves of late; it's definitely on course for big tings! Anyways if you think I'm slipping, chances are it's because I'm doing stuff with them that's got to be kept exclusive.

It's a good look and my first contribution was to review Joker Starr's new LP, "Blood-Ren", due out at the end of the month.  So don't hang around, head to http://www.wordplaymagazine.com/2012/04/uncategorized/joker-starr-blood-ren/ , check out my piece, grab a copy of the mag and peep all the other shizz poppin' off at Wordplay HQ...

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