Tuesday 10 January 2012

No Rules To The Game EP - Kings Of The City

Received an e-mail earlier today from the Hip Hop/Blues/Rock & Roll/Grime/genre mashing collective more commonly known as Kings Of The City to draw my attention to the release of their latest EP, "No Rules To The Game".  Weighing in at 7 tracks, it's refreshing to listen to something that's actually musical; the variety of live instrumentation and vocal delivery combine perfectly to carve an alternative and somewhat unique niche that KOTC use to great effect.

In addition to this, they also dropped their "Covers EP" at the tail end of 2011.  Featuring their own twist on tracks by the likes of Pro Green, Maverick Sabre, The White Stripes, Bruce Springsteen; its an eclectic listen and showcases the wide range of musical tastes and influences upon the group.

Both of these projects are available free of charge (alongside older material) so if you like what you've heard, make sure you head over to http://kingsofthecity.bandcamp.com/ and indulge in some quality musical offerings.

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